Web Scraping that involve Javascript Table


I am trying to scrap the table from the following website (https://stockrow.com/AAPL/financials/income/annual) but for some reason, data scraping feature in UiPath does not recognize it as a table (probably because deals with JavaScript). I want to edit the data definition using the XML editor but I don’t understand XML. Is there a way to paste the information/attribute from UI Explorer into the XML editor so that i can build my own datatable.

Thanks in advance. Any help is much appreciated.


Why don’t you try Export to Excel, download and by using read excel activity you can build your own datatable

Hope this helps



Hi Krisnu,

Thank you for your swift response. I was planning to loop through all the ticker names (probably going to be 9000) i need 3 excel files for each - the income statement, balance sheet and cashflow so that will yield 27000 excels which is likely not very feasible. I will be more straightforward if i can get scrap it once.