i’ve extracted the date and the temp and saved in the excel file but the extracted data is geeting saved in the same row …although i’ve given two write range seperately
can you share me the screen shot of activities what you have actually did
Main(Autosaved).xaml (37.1 KB)
In this case, we can get the columns one by one using Extract Correlated Data in Data scraping wizard once.
Hope the following helps you.
Main(Autosaved).xaml (34.6 KB)
(I disabled 1st click activity because it didn’t work in my environment.)
Hey in both extract datatable you have given same output datatable as ExtractedDatatable1 nake them different and if all element are in a single page then u must extract them in one Extract Datatable activity
yeah found the solution but just a question will this extract the next week date and time if set the bot to run next week
whatever the result you are getting on that page will be extracted .
I think you have only search for country only so it will give live details
So no issue with it
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