Wants too run the Workflow TIme Ranges from 8 am to 12 am else Another Workflow Applies

i wants to run the Workflow Like this
if(5am - 12 am) (times between 5 am upto 12 am)
output(“Time is Being Scheduled”);
output(“not being Scheduled”);

@aksh1yadav Solve the Query

Hi buddy @Shubham4323

Lets say we have a time variable of type datetime like this
In_time = 11:30 AM

So now in your if condition
If(In_time >= Datetime.ParseExact(“05:00 AM”,“HH:mm tt”, System.Globalization.CultureInto.InvariantCulture) AND In_time <= Datetime.ParseExact(“12:00 AM”,“HH:mm tt”, System.Globalization.CultureInto.InvariantCulture)
Console.Writeline(“Time is Being Scheduled”)
Console.writeline(“not being scheduled”)