Want to know more about Jobs - Terminating timeout Setting

In my case, my process has been working for too long because some activities are not throwing any errors, causing the job to run for several days. I don’t know if it was working or if something went wrong.
Anyway, I will keep the activity issue for later.
Question: I want to automatically terminate the job if it runs over its normal running time instead of manually terminating it.
I try to use Jobs - Terminating timeout (hours) on the Execution Settings section and set timeout to 1 hour, but the process is still running over 1 hour. Why was the job not terminated and marked as failed?
Do I misunderstand Jobs - Terminating timeout Setting, or do you have another way to auto terminate the job?

This is my testing process for Jobs - Terminating timeout Setting.


Did you select kill or stop? Ideally you shpuld be selecting kill…

Stop works with should stop activity and also it stops only if it passes through should stop activity else if its stuck it would juat be stuck there


I just forgot to set the kill option. It works fine now. thank you.

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