I am making a software to help us in return filling on gst.gov.in
But while loading webpage… this website has a kind of animation overlayed on the page.
The issue is I have selected Wait For Ready - complete in properties. but my activities executed before this animation disappear ( this animation only appear until all function fully loaded )
What is the best solution to solve such websites issue which webpage seems fully loaded but such website still load functions in the background with such animation appearance?
Thanks, dear @KarthikByggari for the quick response.
But I want to tell you this is an animated image. Mean its change every moment. Please once visit on website for better understanding.
After visiting continue reading this… Suppose if we use image exists ? i think its will not gona work here…because as you have seen on the website. This image appears - disappear… appears - disappear …appears - disappear a lot time. Its have this kind of animation.