From my robot I’m calling an external application written in .net, the application runs like expected but the rest of my flows are depending on the .jsons created by that application, there is no other output except for each image in a folder he uses azure to extract the text and returns a ;json with the info, it’s not garanteed that the extracting while work, nor do I know in advance how mutch images there are in the folder. So I can’t check if the nr of .jsons is equal to the nr of images. The rest of the flows don’t wait for the application to finish, it just calls it and goes on, a second application that is also called is therefore executed to soon. Is there any way to make the robot wait for the application without a visual element of some kind?
I can, burt that sill wouldn’t help me, I don’t know if the application is able to return the .json, so the robot might wait for a .json, that never will come
The process isn’t ever ongoing, or shouldn’t be. I use a do while to keep checking if the process is running or not, so if the process is ever ongoing, the rest will never execute
but your solution also seems applicable