
Convert DataTable to Html

Package: VVaidya.DatatableToHTML.Activities
Author: @vvaidya


Hi @vvaidya,
Very Nice. Good. Add more features in coming releases.


hi @vvaidya
How can apply color for particular column and row values using datatableToHtml activity…plzz help me with your answer

I don’t think activity applies color to specific row or column. To do that you could probably manipulate the output.

Something like :

Output = Output.Replace("<td>Col-Name</td>","<td bgcolor='
#4286f4 '> Col-Name </td>")
1 Like

Hello @vvaidya

Is this activity working with the Studio 2018.4.3?

I’m getting the bellow error:

NU1202: Package VVaidya.DatatableToHTML.Activities 2.1.0 is not compatible with net461 (.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1). Package VVaidya.DatatableToHTML.Activities 2.1.0 does not support any target frameworks.

Could you help me?

Thank you,

Hi @vvaidya,

Is this activity still available in the latest version?
I’m having difficulty in finding the package.

Kindly help me.

Thank You,
Fenelein George.

I can’t find this package anyone know how to get it?


I can’t find it either. But I found this : https://go.uipath.com/component/datatable-to-html-conversion

Hi all,

I had used this package before. However on production system there was some migration activity and now I am getting an error “NU1101: Unable to find package VVaidya.DatatableToHTML.Activities. No packages exist with this id in source(s): C:\Users\rpaadmin1\AppData\Local\UiPath\app-21.4.4\Packages, Connect, https://gallery.uipath.com/api/v2, https://www.myget.org/F/workflow/, Local, Official”

How can I fix this? I am not able to locate this package as well.
