VM With Multiple users bots issue

Hi ,

I have a VM with mutliple users and I have 5 unattended robots licenses. Robot is installed in service Mode. Now when I connect one user with orchestrator , rest of users get automatically connected with same machine key. When I run job from orchestrator , it runs for one user but shows pending for other. In short , all users and installation seems to be central but that is not the case with rest of applications. What can be possible solutions to this issue ?

As you can see that no process is running on this user but when I try to disconnect bot I see this error message because a process is running on another user .

@MVP2021 @loginerror @PRASHANT_GABHANE @prasath17 @Pablito

Hi @Naveed_Hakim1

it might be because of the runtime issue in the unattended license.
You need to increase you run-time bot.

Thank you,

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Can you elaborate a little more please? I am using unattended bots. How can I increase run time bots?

Hi @Naveed_Hakim1

Please have a look here:

It should clear some things.