Hi Anyone,
For Vlookup I try to test and watch a youtube for solution but I got some error about save to that I want to save to to column “V”
How should I do please advise.
Hi Anyone,
For Vlookup I try to test and watch a youtube for solution but I got some error about save to that I want to save to to column “V”
How should I do please advise.
You need to save the output of Vlookup to a variable
For writing to that column you need to use write cell activity
Below that vlookup
Yes but I can’t use this syntax
=> CurrentRow.Byfield(“SI NO.”).StringValue
because a field position is dynamic, for this example I would like to put it in column “V” in a first step.
The Save to Click property will accept Out arguments only here are some examples to pass out arguments.
For more details refer: Activities - VLookup (uipath.com)
dear @Nguyen_Van_Luong1 and @Mohan_Reddy,
Thank you for your help. But when I try to follow up your idea i think something wrong because when I test I got an error.
Anyway this is my code that work but my code refer to header but I can’t refer like this I need to refer to Column ID like “AE” or 31 that be match my requirement.
Can you guide me more?
Main.xaml (10.7 KB)
SimpleSheet2.xlsx (358.5 KB)
ps. this is youtube that i research : How to do an Excel VLOOKUP in UiPath (Full Tutorial) - YouTube