'VisualBasicValue`1' requires compilation in order to run. Please ensure that the workflow has been compiled #issue resolved

Please help me to solve this issue , After automatically update the new version path is not working , Once start to download the data from link it’s stop in start date and all downloads path is showing error . hopefully you will help me to solve this issue
Thank you advance

Hi @GK_Teach-Nepal ,

Could you first try validating the Project using Analyze file button in the Design Ribbon and Let us know what is the result of it ?

Also make sure that a .Net 6 framework is installed on the system for the latest update of Studio to work.

More on the Latest Update.

After validate the project

@GK_Teach-Nepal ,

Could you Double click on the First Validation Error in the Panel, It should direct you to that location and we should be able to get an idea of why that error is happening


After removed the xml file , errors are not appearing now but still not working stop in start date ,

Hi @GK_Teach-Nepal,

Do you have double quotes in your string?
If you do, please refer to this post:
Assign: Expression Activity type ‘VisualBasicValue`1’ requires compilation in order to run - Help / Studio - UiPath Community Forum

Kind regards,

Hi , Before 3 days it’s working smoothly but after auto updated new version , i am facing the issue , I have not that much knowledge about it

If possible i will give you access my system and help to resolve the issue because last 3 days i am not able to prepare the report due to this issue

Hi @GK_Teach-Nepal,

That wont be necessary.
All you need to do is retype the double quotes (") if you have any in your assign activity (StartDate).

Kind regards,


i have reinstalled the apps after reinstalled it’s completely not working

If you have time i need your help to provide me the below request xml file

Sequence- From

I have data in download folder as name “karki” from path is C:\Users\26731\Downloads

this karki file need to move path "C:\Users\26731\Desktop\gh Report maker\Dumps " in CP text file

Hi @GK_Teach-Nepal,

Is it possible for you to share your project (.xaml) so we can take a look at the activities?

Thank you,

Kind regards,
Robert Lansbergen

Hi @GK_Teach-Nepal

Check out this thread



HI @GK_Teach-Nepal

Check out the Double Quote " in the expression


HI @GK_Teach-Nepal

Change all the Double quotes in the value field of the assign Activity


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Could you please help me what i have to do in this condition,

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HI @GK_Teach-Nepal

Can you remove that and add this one and check



Hi @GK_Teach-Nepal


Thank you so much :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: all for your support after changed the date format now it’s working

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Great @GK_Teach-Nepal

Kindly close this topic by mark as solved. It will help for other too.


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