VisibleがONとOFFで動作が異なる/Operation is different when Visible is ON and OFF


Send hotkeyアクティビティを使用し、Excelの操作をしようとしています。

Excel Application ScopeのプロパティにあるVisibleをonにするとうまく作動しますが、Visibleをoffにすると途中でエラーになってしまいます。




The following is a poor English because it is Google translation, please tell me who understands.
I have a question about Excel operation.
I am using the Send hotkey activity and I am trying to operate Excel.
It works well if you turn on Visible in Excel Application Scope properties, but turning Visible off will cause an error in the middle.
Especially when it comes to the dialog box, an error will occur if Visible is off.
How can I operate with Visible off?

Thank you.