Visibility - RelativeVisibility or what?

Hi! I have a very big problem. I am dealing with a public administration web portal. I need to interact with it. The problem is that there are situations in which I do not see an element of the web page but Studio does. I need to know if the element is visible or it is not. With Element Exists is not enough because it misleads me, sometimes says it is “true” when it is not. So, as I read in an anrticle of this forum, I was trying to combine Element Exists with RelativeVisibility (yes, I have tried Image Exists, Text Exists and Foreground attribute and they do not work in this case). RelativeVisibility seemed to work, but at the end it does not, because returns a “false” for a case where the image is clearly in the webpage.

This is the screen and the red area I need to detect.
Any suggestion on how to do it? I am desperate!!!

Thank you very much, César

we would assume that the visibility is triggered via style / CSS Properties e.g. display:block / display: none

Often this also done on some parent elements of a particular element (e.g. surrounding div)

For retrieving the CSS Property value have a look here:

with Version 2.0.0 the package is available and compatible with:

  • Windows Legacy
  • Windows

Currently, the marketplace is displaying only Windows compatibility But is a limit of the website

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Thank you very much for your quick answer. I will try. Thanks a lot.


You can use find element activity which will look for visible elements only…element exists work for hidden as well

Find element will throw error if the elwmwnt is not found or visible as well…so enclose in try catch to catch when it is not visible

Hope this helps


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Thank you verte much Anil. I hadn’t tried this way. I Will now and come back to explain results. Thank you very much.

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I have learnt a lot with all answers. At the end, the problem was very easy, the thing was that my element was not in the screen. This is why “relativeVisibility” was not working. As soon s I sent a hot key to scroll up and it came again into the visible part of he screen, the relativevisibility attribute work perfectly,

Thank you all for your help and your kindness, César

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