Hi! I have a very big problem. I am dealing with a public administration web portal. I need to interact with it. The problem is that there are situations in which I do not see an element of the web page but Studio does. I need to know if the element is visible or it is not. With Element Exists is not enough because it misleads me, sometimes says it is “true” when it is not. So, as I read in an anrticle of this forum, I was trying to combine Element Exists with RelativeVisibility (yes, I have tried Image Exists, Text Exists and Foreground attribute and they do not work in this case). RelativeVisibility seemed to work, but at the end it does not, because returns a “false” for a case where the image is clearly in the webpage.
I have learnt a lot with all answers. At the end, the problem was very easy, the thing was that my element was not in the screen. This is why “relativeVisibility” was not working. As soon s I sent a hot key to scroll up and it came again into the visible part of he screen, the relativevisibility attribute work perfectly,
Thank you all for your help and your kindness, César