VB.Apps: Function: Fetch - Distinct values

Hi Together,

we have dropdown menu where we get the dropdown options from an entity.

In the entity column we have duplicate values.

We only want to display distinct values in the dropdown menu. Is there a way to deploy it?

Apps - Custom VB functions (uipath.com)

  • ListSource<T> Fetch<T>(FilterGroup group = null, PaginationProps paginationProps = null, SortOption[] sortOptions = null, string[] selectedFields = null, ExpansionFieldOption[] expansionFieldOptions = null )

Thank you in advance!

Have sent you a PM for a first check

We can do / had done within the session

  • Fetching DataService Entities to a variable - tmpList
  • Using tmpList along with a LINQ, selecting the needed Property/Field and Distinct it

With your input and using the ToListSource at the end we transformed it to the expected Result Type for the dropdown

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