Two last rows are reference to Row and Item in table.
I need to ‘get text’ from n-position.
I’ve made While loop. Inside of it there is ‘get text’ (selector above) that extract text from specific cell. I noticed that ctrl name=‘Wiersz 1’ role=‘row’ and ctrl name=‘Korekta row 0’ role=‘cell’ are changing for example: ‘Wiersz 1’ , ‘Korekta row 0’ is the first cell, second is ‘Wiersz 2’ and ‘Korekta row 1’ I’ve made two variables inside loop and while processing the loop int_Wiersz and int_Pozycja. Those vars are incremted through loop and then converted to string. I need to pass those variables inside the selector forcing whole ‘get text’ activity to move on next cells inside table.
How can I pass those two variables insine selector?
I’ve tried something like this but this is not working.
ctrl name='Wiersz '+ str_Wiersz+ role=‘row’
ctrl name='Korekta row '+ str_Pozycja+ role=‘cell’
may i know did that give you any error or it got stopped abruptly buddy
kindly run once in debug mode and check with the error that occured
Cheers @Alko
Fine @Alko
I think this error occurs due to get text activity with which we are trying to get the string from the screen…can i have a view on the selector once if possible
Cheers @Alko
fine mention this @Alko
ctrl name=‘*“+ str_Pozycja +”’
i have a doubt is that the target element you can check at the bottom left of the selector editor where we will be having a small box with Target Element specified in it…check with that buddy
Cheers @Alko