Variable selector

I am trying to use variable selector. In the use application for title I am trying to replace title with {{var_title}}. All the UI actions inside the use application, type into etc. seem to have the title grayed out with hard coded title. How to do this?

I am trying to do this so I do not have to change in bunch of places when the title changes.

Thank you,

Hi there,

On the properties of the Use Application/Browser make sure you set ‘Window Attach mode’ to single window

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In use application/browser select single window and change in the selector of it …that would be reflected in all the activities inside it


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Thank you so much @Anil_G and @SenzoD

In general when to use single window mode and when to use Application mode?

Thank you,

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hope this clarifies



Mukesh makes really good examples of scenarios in this video tutorial, you can watch it also to learn more:

16. UiPath Window Attach Mode in Use Application / Browser Activity | Modern Design | Difference (

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