i have to divided the col1, col2, col3, col4…etc.,
i done it on C# code… same issue in that code… only one columns passed at a time…
How pass many columns in this code?
my code :
(From row In Dt_Read.AsEnumerable()
Let colInd = Dt_Read.Columns(str_colName).Ordinal
Let col = If(IsNothing(row(str_colName)) OrElse String.IsNullOrEmpty(row(str_colName).ToString),"0", row(str_colName))
Let div = Double.Parse(col.ToString,System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture)/100000
Let ra = row.ItemArray.Take(colInd).Append(div).Concat(row.ItemArray.Skip(colInd+1)).ToArray()
Select Dt_result.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable()
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Hey @Shyam_Pragash
You want to do it row by row for every column /1000 is that correct ?
Hi @Nithinkrishna
Yes… I have many row to divide into “100000” if cell is null, the cell update to “0” and divide it…
do it many columns…
tried in For Each Row Activity
i have to use more 30 assign activity (Each columns) use to divide the value and write to the Columns Name.
Done it for Single Columns Only.
First Assign:
CheckCond = If(IsNothing(CurrentRow(str_colName).ToString) OrElse String.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentRow(str_colName).ToString),“0”, CurrentRow(str_colName).ToString)
Second Assign:
Currentrow.item(“Str Col Update”) = Double.Parse(CheckCond.ToString,System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture)/100000
Can tell me how to simplify this assign activity…
Hey @Shyam_Pragash
No need of Assign
It can be directly done with LINQ
So just confirming to write the query,
You want to divide the column by 100000 if it has value else mark it as zero right ?
Hey @Shyam_Pragash
Here it is,
PFA - nmnithinkrishna_ExcelColumnManipulation.zip (13.0 KB)
Hope this helps you.
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Hi @Nithinkrishna
Where i declare the columns name… The columns are not conitune one…
i have to address the columns to be divide…
Hey @Shyam_Pragash
Currently the above code will change it for entire table !
If you can explain the column specific scenario please, we can make it !
Mostly a small tweak in the above will do the job.
Hi @Nithinkrishna
Input Data: (Shared few rows and columns)
Expected Output:
in above input data file selective columns only (Total Cost, Total Profit) i have to divide to 100000. i have many columns
Second requiremnt…
Selective columns only, i have to change to decimal place two digit
Total Cost |
Total Profit |
15.82 |
9.51 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
9.34 |
2.25 |
0.56 |
0.20 |
26.57 |
6.39 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
21.04 |
6.94 |
Hi @Nithinkrishna
i want two decimal points… it shows three digits…
can you share decimal points coding seperatly…
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Hey @Shyam_Pragash
Oh, the beauty of untested code
Here it is,
Else you can go for truncate as well !
I hope you understand the place where we do this in the query, so that once you figure the decimal logic you can just place it to work.
Hi @Nithinkrishna
i have one issue…
Decimal value convert to two digit value …
Same value reflected as you said code used…
This is One columns Output
Hey @Shyam_Pragash
Just thinking if this is due to the Excel ?
Could you please do it as a dummy test sequence to see if that works for one Excel cell ?
Hi @Nithinkrishna
Your shared decimal code is working fine… individually to run it…
Yesterday you share one code and deciamal place
nmnithinkrishna_ExcelColumnManipulation_v2.zip (18.3 KB
Three digit Decimal place shows… i want to only two places…
dt_Table.AsEnumerable.Select(Function(row) dt_TableFormatted.Rows.Add(row.ItemArray.Select(Function(item, index) If( ({"Col A","Col B","Col C","Total Cost","Total Profit"}).Contains(dt_Table.Columns(index).ColumnName), If(String.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(item)), 0, CInt(item)/1000 ), If( ({"Col A","Col B","Col C","Total Cost","Total Profit"}).Contains(dt_Table.Columns(index).ColumnName), Decimal.Parse(item.ToString).ToString("0.00"), item))).Cast(Of Object).ToArray)).CopyToDataTable
Yep @Shyam_Pragash
Looks like decimal formatting not working inside query.
Could you please try Math.Truncate
which may help.