Value cannot be null: Read OCR key null after migrating to Windows with DPI 300/270

After trying to debug main after converting a Legacy project to Windows I got a compiler error:
Unexpected error has occurred during the library compilation process:
Value cannot be null. (Parameter ‘key’)
Copied error:
Compilation failed or was cancelled.

The activity or surrounding sequence did not show an error indicating the null value.

After debugging my invoked files I found the error in my Read OCR activities that in Legacy had an input of 300 Image DPI. In Windows the max input is 270.
The properties panel did show a DPI of 300 but while hovering over the dropdown menu it showed an empty field.
Screenshot below is of the field after setting the DPI to 270. This solved the compilation error.

Can you please let us know how to reproduce the issue: can you tell me what package versions you are using (or maybe share us the workflow or a simplified version of the workflow)? what file are you using to reproduce the error with? In this way, we can see what’s wrong & fix it :slight_smile:

Hi Monica,
We’re using UiPath.PDF.Activities: [3.6.0]. Our Studio version is 22.10.14. Input for the OCR machine are client invoices.

After clicking the dropdown menu on the ImageDPI property we can’t undo it so it seems only possible selecting ImageDPI 300 in a Legacy project and then converting to Windows with the migration tool.
on a sidenote. Unfortunately after migrating to Windows we found out that the only working OCR machine without needing a paid licence is Tesseract.