find element of dt 2 in dt 1 and write to dt3
4 print
Everything seem peachy, until I get
Error ERROR Validation Error No compiled code to run
error BC30451: ‘DT1’ is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level. At line 2
error BC30451: ‘DT2’ is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level. At line 4
error BC30109: ‘LogMessage’ is a class type and cannot be used as an expression. At line 7
error BC30109: ‘LogMessage’ is a class type and cannot be used as an expression. At line 9
Variable ‘DT_1’ is missing. Please use Data Manager to recreate it. Main.xaml
Here my invoke code
’ Check and log if any match found
For Each row As DataRow In DT_Talent.Rows
Dim talentValue As String = row(“Talent”).ToString()
Dim matchingRows As DataRow() = DT_Mandat.Select(“Lots = '” & talentValue & “’ OR Critères = '” & talentValue & “'”)
If matchingRows.Length > 0 Then
LogMessage("Match Found: " & talentValue)
LogMessage("No Match Found for: " & talentValue)
End If
we would recommend to avoid blackboxing by using the invoke code as the case can be implemented differently (essential / LINQ / Hybride)
However check that the invoke parameters are defining / using dt1,dt2…
And that all used variables are existing with the usage scope
Feel free to share with us a screenshot from it
I just started again and i am getting very cranky at doing something so basic and not getting it to work. I am starting to believe that my xlsx files is the problem.
Your input is appreciated because I am at my with ends. At the every turn, the data refuse to be save to a datatable.