I think that there is a problem with the conditions to validate the second project, as for the elements to work with (screenshots attached) and the website itself.
- In the conditions, there has to be in the title 2017 while the elements that have to be downloaded have to contain 2018.
- Files that are downloaded have no data except the mention “404[Routes]”.
- The pop-up that appears after uploading a document and its unique ID is not reachable by any technique (nor Get Text nor Get Full text nor Get text by Native way neither OCR way). We can find a way if we open and close a new window. But even if we do this only the OCR option can get the confirmation ID. And even if I use a higher scale (3 and more) it’s of no use, there are a lot of errors in the scrapped data.
I use Chrome navigator and UiPath Studio version 2018.4.
Is it possible to fix the ACME System 1 environment ? What about the scraping method, what should I do to get a perfect scraping ? (I only have the Tesseract OCR Engine option, the Google OCR and so on are not available anymore in my version).
Best regards.