Validating RPA Advanced Training 2nd project to submit

I think that there is a problem with the conditions to validate the second project, as for the elements to work with (screenshots attached) and the website itself.

  • In the conditions, there has to be in the title 2017 while the elements that have to be downloaded have to contain 2018.
  • Files that are downloaded have no data except the mention “404[Routes]”.
  • The pop-up that appears after uploading a document and its unique ID is not reachable by any technique (nor Get Text nor Get Full text nor Get text by Native way neither OCR way). We can find a way if we open and close a new window. But even if we do this only the OCR option can get the confirmation ID. And even if I use a higher scale (3 and more) it’s of no use, there are a lot of errors in the scrapped data.
    I use Chrome navigator and UiPath Studio version 2018.4.
    Is it possible to fix the ACME System 1 environment ? What about the scraping method, what should I do to get a perfect scraping ? (I only have the Tesseract OCR Engine option, the Google OCR and so on are not available anymore in my version).
    Best regards.

Hi @HibaBee,
Welcome to the Community!

This is actually due to problem our technical team is working on. Please be patient. We can’t unfortunately estimate at the moment how long will it take.