Using Wildcard in Properties Panel for On Element Appear

Hi all! Here is my use case:

I am trying to click on an image as soon as it appears. This has to happen instantly as the image goes off in less than 3 seconds. My workflow now:

  1. On element appear
  2. Click using simulated click

The catch is that the image id changes depending on where the image appears. For example, ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_gvLatestav_ctl02_btnSession4. The changing variable is denoted as ‘X’ in the following:

I tried using wildcard as follows:

  1. ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_gvLatestav_ctl0*
  2. ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_gvLatestav_ctl0*_btnSession*

However, both fail. Please let me know if anyone knows how I can fix this. Much appreciated!

Hi @topchoice

Welcome to UiPath Forum.

You can try by removing the ‘id’ from the selector. Thanks.

Happy Automation

Feel free to reach us at any time if you have doubts.

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