Using the Orch API, is it possible to see which specific robots are assigned to a trigger?

Currently many of our processes use specific robots. I’m currently building a schedule of all our trigger start times and I would like to include the specific robots are also assigned to that trigger. Image of what I’m talking about:


Hi David,

In mi case, I used a link where I can see the queries to use them with HTTP Request to extract information.


Have a great day!
Please let me know if you need anything else.

Yea I use swagger as well but haven’t been able to find the correct API request to extract this information directly.

What is the error?
Or do you need a filter to find them?

I can easily grab all the robots assigned to a process or trigger; the issue is grabbing what specific robots a trigger. As the image above shows, the trigger is able to use all the robots, but we specify that the process should always use Robot B/Machine B.

Hi @David_Hernandez2,

ProcessSchedules API will give you the specific machine and robot assigned to a trigger if you have it configured as specific robot/machine in Orchestrator. Is this what you are looking for?