Using argument value not able to access inside sequence

I am using argument inside workflow in main sequence I am able to access but inside this I create another sequence.I am not able to access the value.As mention in screen shot.

Hi @Aditya10989

Is the argument in In or out


direction is In

Hi @Aditya10989

try to give it as out it will work

Ashwin S


Which UiPath version do you use?
If I remember correctly, it was improved version 2019.8.


try but not work as mention in attachment

Hi,this is enterprise edition 2018.3.1

I got value in sequence Web Insert Loss And AO Calculation but not got value in sequence Loss calculation.As mention in attachment


Probably 2018.7 or lower, we cannot see argument value in inner sequence at Locals Panel in debug mode. It is a specification.
Can you try to use write line activity and/or assign to variable as workaround.
In addition, please check for variables and arguments with the same name, because It might cause some trouble.

Regards, if spell miss match then we can not access value in main sequence.I got value in main sequence but inside this I am not getting.
2.And I do not think there is any issue related to version.Because I am using three work flow and I got value from first work flow to second workflow.

Hi @Aditya10989

Instead of in/out give it as out and again click on invoke workflow arguments



Now I’m using UiPath 2018.4. And at local panel, I can see argument value in main sequence, but cannot see it in inner sequence like your situation.
I’d like to confirm is your matter “Cannot see/access argument value at local pane” or “cannot use argument value”?
I think it’s not very good idea to check argument value at local panel in 2018.3/4, anyway.


hi if I set out then I did not got value even in outer sequence.If I set In then I got value in outer sequence but not in inner sequence.As mention in attachment

Hi @Aditya10989

Share your xaml

Ashwin S

yes sure but you can’t run this application because it run on server.I am not getting value of OpenWebSite.xaml to this (20.2 KB)
I also try this with out direction this not work then again I changed to In

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