Using a single unattended robot license to handle multiple user accounts

Hi all,

Our company current has made the transition over to UiPath from Blue Prism. Due to company policies, RPA’s in service for different departments (and sometimes even at unit level) need to have their own user account.

Let’s say we have 3 RPA’s for the department of Finance, one for Unit A, another for Unit B and the other for Unit C, data and access needs to be restricted to these units, meaning that each unit gets their own robot user account. So Unit A uses robot user account UnitA_robot, Unit B uses UnitB_robot and so forth.

We have one production VM (Windows sever), and one unattended robot license. For each RPA, we need to sign in/out of the VM using that RPA’s user account’s credentials, like so:

In order for Unit A’s RPA to run, the robot agent must login to the VM using UnitA_robot’s credentials, run process, then logout.

In Blue Prism, this was easily achieved with their Login/Logout agent, which logs in by authenticating to Windows using a pipe client. I guess the same could be done with UiPath, except that an unattended license seems to use a key generated by the Orchestrator and the user/password for that machine. I’m struggling to find documentation that explains whether or not we can assign multiple credentials to one machine.

Any help is appreciated!


Follow this approach.

  1. Create a machine template with one unattended license and add your robot to it.
  2. Create folders as per departments name
  3. Assign users to respective departments folder. This will ensure correct user will run correct department bot’s only.
  4. Add machine created and configured in step 1 to each department folder.
  5. Schedule or run the jobs/processes.

Ashok :slight_smile:

Thanks for the steps! I managed to set it up exactly as you’ve shown a few moments ago actually. I’m however facing the following issue with the total number of robots that can be assigned.

I currently have 5 robot accounts configured:

However, when I try to add more, I get the following error about a quota being reached:


Does this mean that the max. amount of robot accounts one can create is 5?


May I know why are you creating multiple templates?

ideally the same template needs to be used for all accoutns…all accounts needs to be added to that machine template

also how you seggregate is based on the folder or process…if robot A and machine is assigned to folder 1 then only robotA will be used by processes in folder 1 …similarly for other folders


I’m not creating multiple templates, I have only one machine template. And I have robot accounts assigned per folder.

What the previous screenshots show is one of the pages where one to create Robot accounts. It looks like I’m creating a machine template, but I was just using that path to create a new robot account.

If I do it via Tenant > Manage Access, I sadly get the same error of not being able to create more accounts:

I guess what my question really is, where can I find what the maximum number of robot accounts is per unattended robot license?


for that you can create a user and complete the unattended setup in it

that should do the job



I didn’t get exact documentation for this to confirm but worth checking once.

Regarding setting up user id’s. Try setting them up as unattended like this.

unattended setup

Ashok :slight_smile:

That unfortunately doesn’t answer my question: where can I find what the maximum number of accounts is per unattended robot license. Because now it seems to be 5.


May I know you ahve only one license?

depending on your license type I believe you ahve a max cap of 5

check table below for details
