User Permissions - Connect Enterprise

I have set up a user as a Submitter (non-paid license) in Connect Enterprise. Is there a way to lock down permissions such that this user would not have access to cost-benefit details on other automatons in the pipeline?

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Have the same kind of question. Would like to have more flexibility in the permission area. Potentially create your own roles that would more fit the business need…

Hello @knalls,

By default, a Standard User does not have access to the Cost Benefit Analysis section of any idea. Only Admins, Program Managers and the Project Manager assigned for that specific idea can access the Cost Benefit Analysis.

Currently, you cannot segregated the views. A standard user sees all the ideas (although not all the content in that idea). We will work on supporting the segregated views, in order to deliver it in July.

Thank you,

What content can a Standard User see for ideas that are not their own? We’d like AHub to be open to all but do not want cross content available.

@MissPatty : this is supported today. Please check the User guide: