Dear all,
Good morning,
I would need help to use Use write range activity to copy the data that meet the condition set in if statement
Here is my workflow.
Main.xaml (12.2 KB)
Thank you.
Dear all,
Good morning,
I would need help to use Use write range activity to copy the data that meet the condition set in if statement
Here is my workflow.
Main.xaml (12.2 KB)
Hi @eelin,
Please check this steps it will helps you.
Query :- DT1.Select(“[Column0] = ‘B9070000’”).CopyToDataTable
use this query only…
if you mentioned the column name it will through exception…
please follow exactly i mentioned above.
It is still the same
share your xaml file. i will check
Main(2).xaml (10.8 KB)
Looks this image and the shared XAML not same.
Can you share your excel Files as well
there is no issue in code.
Sorry for the late reply.
testingcopydata.xaml (10.9 KB)
Master file (sample).xlsx (181.0 KB)
PL Analysis-APR19-ITD (sample).xlsx (126.5 KB)
please find the xaml filestestingcopydata.xaml (12.3 KB)
Thanks for your help.
Now i am able to copy the data by using the filter data table and paste it into the worksheet.
But when i want to do for the another filter it cannot or says it will not have any effect.
Kindly advise me.
Thank you.
TESTcopydata.xaml (21 KB)
will check and let you know…
i tested you xaml file its working fine…
in your second filterdatatable you want to keep these items only (Travel) …
please check the excel sheet attached Master file (sample).xlsx (159.6 KB)
Thanks for your reply.
What i want to do is i want to keep those items and paste the data into sheet (Travel) in the master file same as what i did for the salary sheet.
But it will only paste the data for salary but not the travel as well…
Kindly advise me.
those records are exist in Travel Sheet right.
please check the uploaded excel
Hi @venkat4u
Iam new to RPA and trying to automate this excel task,
Task - i have to read the source file and copy the rows ending with (keyword) to new workbook in destination folder.
Can you please help.
Thanks @venkat4u
i was able to use filterdatatable activity and filter row with ending keywords.
Sounds good.
you can mark this as solution.