Use Queue item in SMTP Mail Body

Well, I don’t know whether this is possible…

I am doing automation where I have to send a Mail which consists of a format (which is in Config) where the “Name”, “Role”, and “Company Name” are saved in Queues.

So my question is, how can I use these variables which will change the mail body content respectively.

Thank You in Advance


You want to pass that values in the body of the mail
If so you can use replace
create a dummy names like name,role and company in the body template in config.


Is this you are expecting?



As the body is having a constant structure have you try this way

Take assign activity


Outputstr.replace(“(Name of the Candidate)”,namevariable).replace(“(Role)”,rolevariable)

Hope this helps

Hi @Anirudh_Tugawe

You can tag some words in body text then replace them with the specific content from the queue

Like this

Your body text

Following the request information 

Name: #name
Role: #role
Company Name: #company

In assign activity you can

body = body.Replace("#name", in_TransactionItem.SpecificContent("Name").ToString)
body = body.Replace("#role", in_TransactionItem.SpecificContent("Role").ToString)
body = body.Replace("#company", in_TransactionItem.SpecificContent("Company Name").ToString)

Then use body to send the email


  1. You can get the details from queue using transactionitem.specificcontent(“KeyInQueue”) in avariable.
  2. Read the config key as Config(“MailBodyTemplate”).replace(“”,variable)

ForEach: item in QueueItems

Assign: Name = item.SpecificContent(“Name”).ToString
Assign: Role = item.SpecificContent(“Role”).ToString
Assign: CompanyName = item.SpecificContent(“CompanyName”).ToString
Assign: MailBody = String.Format(“Hello {0},\n\nYour role at {1} is {2}.”, Name, CompanyName, Role)

Send Outlook Mail Message (or Send SMTP Mail Message)
To: “
Subject: “Your Subject”
Body: MailBody

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When preparing the content / using a template in conjunction with the Create HTML Content Activity the usage of variables is supported out of the box

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this will be in “For Each”?

Hi @Anirudh_Tugawe ,

Please refer below mentioned link for the solution from techystack.


Pavan Kuamr

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