Use of 'Set Asset' or 'Set Credential' in Studio

Hi All,

Can you pls explain me why ‘Set Asset’ or ‘Set Credential’ activities are used to change the value of Orchestrator Assets from Studio itself?
Enables you to update the value of an indicated asset , that is already available in Orchestrator, be it a global or a Per Robot asset
As far I understand, Assets are global variables and they are used to provide an extra security layer by keeping the pwd encrypted as credential so that developer can invoke while designing but will not be able to see their values. Bussiness users can however set their pwd values in Orch Asset and credential level.
But, if set Asset or Set Credential is used then any developer can change their values from Studio.
Can anyone explain any usecase/scenario where Set Asset or Set Credential are needed?

Hi @debosree,

  1. Assets are global if you make them so, the per robot assets are accessible only to the said robots.
  2. Assuming you have the right roles set for developers, the robots also have a default role assigned (it’s named ‘Robot’). By default, this role has only ‘Read’ access to assets. Hence, by default robots cannot modify assets using the said activities.
  3. As far as the use case goes, let’s say you must change the value of an asset at a set time during which a human can’t really be up (2 AM). We can schedule a process to set the value of the given asset at the said time. Eg: URL of an application that will change for the DR drill. The same goes for credentials as well. This is just one example I have come across.
  4. The level of permissions given to the robots to assets can be controlled by the role, so if you don’t want the developers to set values don’t provide ‘Edit’ & ‘Add’ access to them. At the end of the day, you as the admin can configure the features according to your security needs, that’s the beauty of UiPath Products.



Thanks a lot for your detailed explanation.

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