@Yoichi you helped me build the below query. I did make some changes, including adding the r(“ON_PREVIOUS_TABS”) part. That’s a necessary filter but I don’t actually want the ON_PREVIOUS_TABS column in the data that’s returned. Is there a way in a query like this to specify the columns I want?
For example’s sake, let’s say I want the resulting data only to contain the columns Customer Number, Customer Name, and Loan Number.
myDT.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(r) r("CREATED_IN_NCINO").ToString.ToUpper <> "YES" And r("CREATED_IN_NCINO").ToString.ToUpper <> "NO" And r("ON_PREVIOUS_TABS").ToString <> "YES" AndAlso DateDiff(DateInterval.Day,Now,DateTime.ParseExact(Split(r("Maturity Date").ToString," ")(0),"M/d/yyyy",System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) = CInt(Config("Days Until Maturity").ToString)).ToList
Oh, also, I’m assigning that to loansList and then later…
So maybe I can keep only the desired columns somehow from that expression instead of the original myDT.AsEnumerable