Use application: i am unable to select and open any application/uidemo.exe on desktop, it taking explorar.exe as path instead of uidemo.exe, how to fix it

i tried “use application”: i am unable to select and open any application ex: uidemo.exe on desktop, it taking explorar.exe as path instead of uidemo.exe in studio, how to fix it. Please help!


First open the UI demo application manually. Once it’s visible on screen, be it on login screen or after login screen then, add Use Application browser activity in your UiPath studio xaml file and select the UI Demo application screen. It will identify the application and take the correct exe file path as well.

Ashok :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for reply.
Why i am unable to select and click on any icon on screen on desktop , after click on “indicate application to automate” , if we click on desktop icon, it automatically captures path as “C:\Windows\explorer.exe” instead of C:\Users\Venu\Desktop\UIdemo.exe.


you need not indicate the icon…double click on the icon manually and then indicate the opened window and in use app/browser properties you would see a property called open …select always there so that it opens the application whnever it runs and also the app path will be proper

you can getting explorer because the icons are on desktop and desktop runs on it



Did to open the application manually first?