Use api Get Releases by Name,Error 400Bad Request

As the title


Please try using %20 instead of space



HI @Anil_G

This method didn’t work :sob:


It should be releases and not release…please check the below<Org>/<Tenant>/orchestrator_/odata/Releases?%24filter=Name%20eq%20'Part_TDK'


Hi @Anil_G

Thanks for the solution, I can get Key.

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Hi @Anil_G

Can you help with another question?
I want get Robot id start jobs, but API GETRobots not get any value.


You have to use get users now…get robots does not get anything…in the nee versiosn robots also are included in users


Hi @Anil_G

Thanks, using the “Get Users”, the RobotId was successfully retrieved, and the job was started successfully.

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