Hi All,
I am facing an issue in UI Automation, while the bot navigates to a web page before it could click on the button it automatically moves to the home page , So is there a way I can stop this.
Thanks in advance!
Hi All,
I am facing an issue in UI Automation, while the bot navigates to a web page before it could click on the button it automatically moves to the home page , So is there a way I can stop this.
Thanks in advance!
Ideally before clickign it wont move…please let us know what activities are you using…or may be the site itself is redirecting
Try with CHECK APP STATE activity before trying to click or put this as a next activity the moment when browser is opened
And choose wait for element to appear
Also on visibility check choose Fully visible
Let us know for further clarification
Hope this help
Cheers @Ritika_Singh
Yes site itself is redirecting, is there a way that we can stop this
Which activity is this? Can you send me the package name
It comes under UiPath.UIAutomationNext.Activitiea
You can search as check app state in activity panel
If u couldn’t find u can also try with on element appear
Cheers @Ritika_Singh
Manually also if it is redrecting…then its a site property…may I know why do you want to stop that?
or is manually its not redirecting?if so then so action you are doing in coding is causing it
as mentioned by other above, we would recommend analyzing more if a redirect is triggered by the Server or not. If the redirect is triggered we cannot change the sever behavior.
Detecting the redirect: