URGENT :Code stabilization : ameliorate selectors between different windows

Good morning ,
I’ m facing a problem while using selectors :I have an invoked activity ( contains a pooup window with form to fulfill contains LINK 1 to click )which takes some time to be closed but meantime I have other web window opened that contains a link ( LINK 2 )to click on. The issue is the selector of LINK2 works before the first window is closed so I’ m obliged to add a delay btwn them. It s a lost of time . How can I do it differently ?

Hi @Wafa_KACEM, instead of using a delay, you can search for a specific element and once it is found, you can continue based on that. You can use various activities like “Element Exists” (give some UI element that is seen only after first window is closed, so as soon as it is found, the bot can proceed with Link 2) or “Wait Element Vanishes”, based on your preference. Hope this is helpful to you! If it works, please mark it as a solution. Thanks, and all the best with your automation!

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Thank you ! It works perfectly

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