Upload file in Orchestrator

how to upload pdf file in Orchestrator Queue

Hi @Patel_Piyush1878

We cannot upload any PDF files to orchestrator queues. It won’t support that. Could you please provide your use case what you are trying to achieve maybe I can help with an alternate approach.

If you would like to store any files in the orchestrator you can use storage buckets to achieve this. Please find the reference link

Hi @Patel_Piyush1878

You can upload the CSV file in the orchestrator queue


i want to upload pdf

Hi @Patel_Piyush1878

Here we can upload only the CSV file Have look on the screenshot




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hI @Patel_Piyush1878

You cannot able to upload pdf files instead

Method 1:
Get all the PDF file names in one excel and save as .csv and upload them.

Method 2:
Get all the PDF file names in one excel and use add queue item to add them to a queue.

Hope you got an alternative


To be a bit more explicit and add on to @Lokesh.Bysani response.

Queue Items are not intended for complex objects such as Files/Blobs and this includes complex JSON objects as SpecificContent is Dictionary(Of String, Object)

  1. Store the File object somewhere else (Storage Bucket in Orchestrator, File System, etc.) and store the Location reference as a Key in the Queue Item.
  2. [Not recommended] Convert the File into bitecode and add that to the QueueItem.

Storage Buckets would be my first choice as you have a number of storage providers to leverage; however, you cannot directly access the file in a Storage Bucket, you first need to fetch it and then process and finally cleanup any local files. But as an alternative option you could use a more direct storage solution such as a NFS in which case you could manipulate the file in place.

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