I am trying to upload a file into SharePoint, but I am getting the following error, please help, the bot account has access to sharepoint site and it is able to print the name of the file.
I am trying to upload a file into SharePoint, but I am getting the following error, please help, the bot account has access to sharepoint site and it is able to print the name of the file.
give a try by setting the Account setting
if I give Driveitem in destination folder I get this error
currently we cannot derive what was done in the meantime in detail
some side help find here:
Can you print currentdriveitem path and check
Item not found comes generally when the file or folder is not found
File is present in the respective folder, I printed both CurrentdriveItem.Name and File exists, both came
should the “\” be a “/”?
I printed the file name and file exists and CurrentDriveItem.Name , all three worked but not upload file sharepoint
Thats the problem in the driveitem you need to send the folder location and not file location…local location should be file and driveitem should be folder
Thank you so much, it worked, I didn’t give folder name, I gave file location to replace
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