Upgrading Orchestrator from 19.10.18 to 20.4 fails due to Database Issue

Have an Orchestrator instance running 10.10 successfully. It was installed originally using UIPathPlatformInstaller.exe on-premise on a single-node installation. Using a paid license key.

I am attempting to upgrade to 20.4 per the Upgrade instructions (which indicate to run UiPathOrchestrator.msi). Installation appears to go fine, except when I click Next on “Identity Server Settings” window I get this error message:

“The database name provided is already used by an existing database.”

I have found information about APP_ENCRYPTION_KEY, but that appears to be for older versions only (nothing in web.config about a key at all).

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I meant we are running 2019.10 successfully, BTW.

Hi, did you follow the guide to upgrade?

If yes and still get errors, then the best advice is to get in contact with support for better help.

Are u sure and confirm you haven’t done eny encryption?.pls confirm

And while you are upgrading check whether your existing orchestrator is stopped in IIS

Yes, I ran the command to decrypt the EncryptionKey section (as indicated here: https://docs.uipath.com/orchestrator/docs/encrypting-webconfig-sections) even though I am sure it was not encrypted. I also confirmed that the Orchestrator App was stopped in IIS.

I submitted a support request for this. I will share what I learn here if it is helpful.