Upgrading from windows legacy to windows - 2022.10.1

Hello everybody,

after updating to the new version (2022.10.1) i was asked to convert the project from a windows-legacy version to a window version. I clicked to the button

Ii then opended a new prohect with the new version. I got several errors, dependecis not existing such as:
I imported all these new packages which i didn’t use in the previous project. I also finally this error which i cannot resolve:

Has anyone advice about this topic?

i see two errors :

       *for Framework/getAppcredentials : it s a problem of dependencies try to add the version package manually to it s folder .

       *for the first one : are you sure you want to try the system.collection .generic.dictonary2 or System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<TKey, TValue>

Hi Youssef, this error comes from the backend side. They don’t belong to the sequence of activities I used in the process. I tried to Run the project and I get the error after 0 seconds running. I can’t modify these activities due to the fact that they use parameters which only uipath programmers know.
By the way, The robot used to work, i turned into the new version and i hasn’t worked anymore

Hello @massimilianolorenzin
Can you try taking a backup of the existing project and then do an update of all the packages in that project. This migration is due to the .net version compatibility change after the uipath update.


Hi @massimilianolorenzin

Any chance you could help us by privately sharing your original legacy project?

One thing to try is to update all project dependencies first.

Hi Raul, I didn’t see your answer but I restored a backup and then updating all the dependencies. At the moment, I’m still using the old window-legacy projects, and it’s working. I’m not trying to migrate again until I’m forced :grin:

Hi Maciej. I updated all the dependencies ad you suggested but I’m still facing a couple of issues which I unable to figure out. How can I get in touch with you? I’m using windows server 2019, fyi.