I am using For Each loop in the flow chart. Inside there are few Get Full Text from Screen Scrapings. I would like to update the selector property in each loop for all the Get Full Text.
How can i using the UpdateSelector method to do this?
Thanks, can you please give me a little bit more details for this sentence " Within each iteration string selector = string.Format(selFormat, iRowStr.ToString)"
I guess then, that iRowStr.ToString it has to be initialized in 0 and then:
iRowStr.ToString = iRowStr.ToString+1, right?
Almost - if you want to use arithmetic operations, iRowStr needs to be a number (Int should suffice).
Pseudocode: int iRowStr; string selector = [selector as Mihai showed it] foreach (item in collection) selector = String.Format(selFormat, iRowStr.ToString()); [do stuff] iRowStr = iRowStr + 1;
You canât assign to [variable].ToString, because thatâs a method. Also doing a [string] + 1 would throw a syntax error, or even if it worked doing a + on a string appends that character at the end of the string, so youâd have 0, then 01, then 011 etc.
You can use "<webctrl aaname='Part ID Title Loan ID *' parentid='loanpart-table' tag='TABLE' /><webctrl isleaf='1' tableCol='5' tableRow='" + iRowStr.ToString + "' tag='TD' />"
and youâll get the same result.
I am not able able to use place the selector variable in the selector property. I use the record button to record the action and i am not able to delete the contents under the selector edit box. If i created the actions (eg select, check) from the activities then i am able to key in iRowStr under the selector property. I also take informative screen for the action. I got the error âCheck : The UiElement is not initializedâ.
How do u generate the Get Full text? I scrapped from the screen itself.