Hi Techii,
I want to update reconcile Column, Where VNo =“HO-CN19316”
Please can you give me an update query in Linq , I am using for each but its very time consuming in my table i have 2 lakh record
Hi Techii,
I want to update reconcile Column, Where VNo =“HO-CN19316”
Please can you give me an update query in Linq , I am using for each but its very time consuming in my table i have 2 lakh record
You can use this:
row.Item(“Reconcile Status”) = row.Item(“Reconcile Status”).ToString.Replace(“whatever”, “in_Status”)
Hi @JSR_Techno_Talk_s , Hope below linq would be helpful
NewDt = Dt.clone (where Dt is source data table)
(From d In Dt.AsEnumerable
Let x = If (d(2).tostring.equals(“HO-CN19316”), “In_Status”,Nothing)
Let y = New Object(){d(0),d(1),d(2),d(3),d(4),d(5),d(5),x}
Select newDt.Rows.Add(y)).CopyToDataTable
Shaik Najeer.
Can you try the following code in InvokeCode activity?
dt.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(r) r("VNO").ToString()=in_VONo).ToList().ForEach(Sub(r)
r("Reconcile Status") = in_Status
End Sub
dt is In/Out DataTAble type argument in InvokeCode.
its working
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