Update DataRow not updating


I am trying to update a datarow item but it isn’t reassining the value.
My Workflow:

ForEach CurrentRow in dtMyDataTable
Assign variable tempRow = current row

Functions translate and append the translations to a variable called appendedTranslation

tempRow.ItemArray(22) = appendedTranslation

Log Message: tempRow.ItemArray(22) → returns the original value not the reassigned.

I have tried assigning the appendedTranslation variable to tempRow.Item(“HeaderName”) but this also isn’t updating.

Any thoughts on where I am going wrong?

I am having to do this for multiple fields per row as well hence pulling it into a temp variable before going back to update the output data table.


Have you tried an Update Data Row activity?


Ahh much easier of doing it! That seems to have fixed it thanks

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