Unpredictable "Selector Not Found" when automating websites

Hi Guys! New member here.

I have been going crazy trying to track down unpredictable “selector not found” and “invalid ui element exception” exceptions.

I have included “attach window”, msc delays, “wait until complete”, etc, etc, and I cannot get ahead of these exceptions being randomly thrown. This is getting frustrating!

Some days, sequences will run without interruption, other days, the bot will throw numerous exceptions. I am looking for some “Industry Standards” in terms of automating website actions.

I have included “Try-Catch” for some sequences, however I do not believe it is “proper” to include an entire script inside “Try-Catch”. Furthermore, I am not sure how i could include a “try-catch” in different sequences inside a flowchart (see screenshot).

Thanks for your help!!


“selector not found” and “invalid ui element exception” are selector related issues. The selector value for each UI element will change depends the name, Value and type. if you have no idea which UI fields will get changed, Keep track of errors receiving on the field and stabilize selector thru UI Explorer.

Thanks for the advice.

Can you elaborate a bit - “Keep track of errors receiving on the field and stabilize selector thru UI Explorer”?