🙋‍♀️ 🙋‍♂️ Unlock the Future: #4 Challenge from the 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint

:rocket: Dear Community enthusiasts, are you up to Unlock the Future further?

Virtual series day 4 happening right now : See Unlock the Future: Join the 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint - Day 4 at UiPath Visakhapatnam and now it’s time to put your skills to the test.

Are you ready for #4 Challenge from the 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint , crafted together with @AutomationX_by_Kiran ,@pathrudu and with the help of @loredana_ifrim? Let’s level up your UiPath skills! :rocket:

:point_down: Here is the Challenge #4 we have in store for you :confetti_ball::

  • USE CASE 7

Automate Movie Information Retrieval and Storage!

Automate the process of retrieving movie information from the “RPA Challenge” website and storing the results in an Excel file using UiPath.

Problem Statement:

You need to develop a UiPath automation workflow that performs the following tasks:

  1. Navigate to the Website:
    Click here and Open the website and locate the “Movie Search” page.
  2. User Input:
    Prompt the user to input a movie name.
  3. Search for the Movie:
    Use the provided movie name to search for its details on the “Movie Search” page.
  4. Retrieve Movie Description:
    Extract the description of the movie from the search results.
  5. Store in Excel:
    Save the movie name and its description into an Excel file. The Excel file should have columns for “Movie Name” and “Description.”
  6. Handle Exceptions:
    Implement error handling to manage scenarios where the movie is not found or the website is unreachable.
  • USE CASE 8

Extract and Validate Driver’s License Data Using UiPath Document Understanding

Automate the extraction and validation of data from a driver’s license using UiPath’s Document Understanding (DU) out-of-the-box model.

Problem Statement:
You need to create a UiPath automation workflow that performs the following tasks:

  1. Read Driver’s License:
    Use UiPath Document Understanding with the pre-trained driver’s license model to extract relevant data such as Name, Date of Birth, License Number, and Address etc from a scanned or digital copy of a driver’s license.
  2. Present Validation Station:
    Implement the Present Validation Station activity to allow human validation of the extracted data. This step ensures that the data is accurately extracted, especially for fields that may require manual correction.
  3. User Interaction for Validation:
    Present the extracted data to the user through the Validation Station interface for review and confirmation. Allow the user to make corrections if necessary.
  4. Post-Validation Processing:
    After validation, the confirmed data should be captured and stored in a structured format, such as a Data Table or an Excel file.
  5. Error Handling:
    Include error handling mechanisms to manage scenarios where the driver’s license cannot be processed, such as an unreadable document or an unsupported format.

Input.zip (400.9 KB)

:date: Event Date: Today onwards!

:timer_clock: Deadline : Quiz submissions must be submitted no later than the 2024-09-20T20:59:00Z, your time-zone!

Scoring System

  • All submissions earn one star :star2: for participation, regardless of correctness.
  • Correct solutions/Quiz answers receive 5 stars :star2:.
  • The most creative/best practice solution earns an additional maximum 5 stars :star2:.

Feel free to dive into our Beginners Learning Challenge #1 above :point_up_2: and begin sharing your creative submissions.

Thank you and good luck,

UiPath Community


:rocket: Unlock the Future: 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint :rocket:

Day 4/10 :white_check_mark: Another insightful and hands-on session completed!

:memo: Solved two new use cases utilizing Document Understanding and Get Activities, which added another dimension to my automation toolkit.

:bulb: Huge thanks to the UiPath MVP experts for the immersive learning experience. Each day pushes the boundaries of what’s possible in automation.

Excited for the next steps in this incredible journey! :muscle:

uipath rpa documentunderstanding #GetActivities automation #LearningSprint #Day4
Driving License.zip (598.5 KB)
Movie Information Retrieval.zip (3.1 MB)


:rocket: Unlock the Future: 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint - Day 4! :rocket:
successfully completed two amazing challenges:

  1. Automate Movie Information Retrieval and Storage :film_projector:
  2. Extract and Validate Driver’s License Data Using UiPath Document Understanding :identification_card:

I’ve also implemented a document understanding use case for COVID certification, utilizing the out-of-the-box machine learning package to extract Vaccination details and validate data with high precision. This project allowed me to tap into the power of UiPath’s AI/ML capabilities and was a thrilling challenge!
thank you to @pradeep_ch @AutomationX_by_Kiran, @pathrudu, and @loredana_ifrim for curating these valuable challenges and supporting us throughout the journey. :raised_hands:
I’d love to hear your feedback and insights on my COVID certification use case
DU_DrivingLicense.zip (606.3 KB)
Movie Information Retrieval.zip (610.4 KB)
Document_Understanding_Covid.zip (1.3 MB)


:rocket: Unlock the Future: 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint :rocket:

Day 4/10 :white_check_mark: Another insightful and hands-on session completed!

:memo: Tackled two new use cases using Document Understanding and Get Activities, adding a new layer to my automation toolkit.

:bulb: Huge thanks to the UiPath MVP experts for the immersive learning experience—each day expands the possibilities of automation.

Excited for the next steps in this amazing journey! :muscle:

uipath rpa documentunderstanding #GetActivities automation #LearningSprint #Day4

MovieSearch_Usecase7.zip (21.7 KB)

Document Understanding_Usecase8.zip (420.6 KB)

Again Thank you @pradeep_ch @AutomationX_by_Kiran , @pathrudu , and @loredana_ifrim for curating these valuable challenges.


:rocket: Blast into the Future: Day 4 of the 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint! :rocket:
I’ve just wrapped up two fantastic challenges:
:movie_camera: Automating Movie Info Retrieval and Storage :id: Extracting and Validating Driver’s License Data with UiPath Document Understanding
Plus, I tackled a handwritten document extraction project using UiPath’s AI/ML magic. It was a thrilling ride!
Usecase7-DU_LicenseExtraction.zip (639.2 KB)
Usecase8-MovieInfoRetrieval.zip (611.2 KB)
DocumentExtractionwithvalidation.zip (1.0 MB)
Big shoutout to @pradeep_ch, @AutomationX_by_Kiran, @pathrudu, and @loredana_ifrimspace_invader @Corina_Gheonea for crafting these awesome challenges and guiding us along the way. :raised_hands:
I’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback on my handwritten document use case! :smile:


:rocket: Unlock the Future: 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint :rocket:

Day 4/10 :white_check_mark: Another day, another leap forward in our automation journey!

:memo: Solved two fascinating use cases with UiPath’s Document Understanding (DU) model and dynamic data extraction from websites using Get Activities.

:bulb: Immense gratitude to the UiPath MVP experts for their exceptional guidance. @pradeep_ch @AutomationX_by_Kiran @pathrudu @loredana_ifrim

Each session reveals new horizons in the world of automation.

I’m eagerly looking forward to the upcoming session of this amazing journey! :muscle:

UseCase7_MovieInformationRetrieval.zip (1.1 MB)
UseCase8_DU_LicenseExtraction.zip (793.2 KB)


:rocket: Unlocking the Future: 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint :rocket:

:sparkles: Successfully completed Day 4 of our hands-on learning sprint! :fire:

:white_check_mark: I tackled two exciting use cases—pushing the boundaries of automation!

This immersive session, led by UiPath MVP experts, provided invaluable, hands-on training that’s already taking our skills to the next level. :bulb:

Excited for the next challenge in this incredible journey! Let’s continue to grow and sharpen our automation expertise! :muscle:

UseCase7_Movie Information Retrieval.zip (169.3 KB)
UseCase8_Extract Driver License Data Using Document Understanding.zip (621.7 KB)

Thank you @AutomationX_by_Kiran @pathrudu @loredana_ifrim @pradeep_ch


:rocket: Unlock the Future: 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint :rocket:

Day 4/10 :white_check_mark: Another insightful and hands-on session completed!

:memo: Solved two use cases utilizing Document Understanding and Dynamic Selector with Modern Activity.

Excited for the next steps in this incredible journey! :muscle:
Again Thank you @Hyperautomation-ai @pradeep_ch @AutomationX_by_Kiran , @pathrudu , and @loredana_ifrimspace_invader for curating these valuable challenges.

JitendraSaroj_Driver_License_DataExtraction.zip (417.0 KB)
JitendraSaroj_MovieInfo.zip (21.9 KB)

uipath rpa documentunderstanding #GetActivities automation #LearningSprint #Day4


Unlock the Future: 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint!

Just completed Day 4 of 10 of the hands-on learning sprint!

Solved two new use cases utilizing Document Understanding and Get Activities ,

Thank you, @AutomationX_by_Kiran, @pathrudu @loredana_ifrim
@pradeep_ch for hosting this “20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint!” Your efforts in organizing and delivering such valuable content are truly appreciated.

DU_Usecase.zip (606.5 KB)
Movie search Use case.zip (401.4 KB)


Hi All,

Completed the Day4 Uses Cases Successfully. :white_check_mark:

UseCase-7: Movie_Info_Retrieval.zip (2.6 MB)

UseCase-8: License_Extraction_DU.zip (616.4 KB)

@Hyperautomation-ai @pradeep_ch @AutomationX_by_Kiran and @loredana_ifrim



Hi All,

I completed usecase7. I’ll upload usecase8 after I learn more about it haha
day4_useCase7.zip (7.5 KB)

@Hyperautomation-ai @pradeep_ch @AutomationX_by_Kiran and @loredana_ifrim



Hi Community

Thanks @loredana_ifrim @pathrudu @pradeep_ch @AutomationX_by_Kiran
Its a great insight on the session

Use Case - 7 Solution
DrivingLicenseProcess.xaml (47.9 KB)

Use Case - 8 Solution
MovieInformationRetrieval.xaml (39.0 KB)

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