Unique reference for each run of the job

A unique reference or ID can be assigned to each run of the job. it can be numeric or alphanumeric. This will help in identifying a specific run of the job. As the start time and end time are also not displayed, when i am looking for a specific run of the job, have to View Logs and see when the job ran and if it has the required info I am looking for. Once I close the logs, there is no way to identify which job’s logs I have checked.

Hello Priya,

This already exists and is available in the Orchestrator REST API.

You’re looking specifically for the StartTime, EndTime, and Id fields from odata/Jobs.

You can get more information regarding this and other requests at <your orchestrator base URL>/swagger/ui/index#!/

Here’s example output from the request:

  "@odata.context": "string",
  "value": [
      "Key": "string",
      "StartTime": "2019-11-14T14:48:12.680Z",
      "EndTime": "2019-11-14T14:48:12.680Z",
      "State": "Pending",
      "Robot": {
        "LicenseKey": "string",
        "MachineName": "string",
        "MachineId": 0,
        "Name": "string",
        "Username": "string",
        "Description": "string",
        "Version": "string",
        "Type": "NonProduction",
        "HostingType": "Standard",
        "Password": "string",
        "CredentialType": "Default",
        "Environments": [
            "Name": "string",
            "Description": "string",
            "Robots": [
            "Type": "Dev",
            "Id": 0
        "RobotEnvironments": "string",
        "ExecutionSettings": {},
        "Id": 0
      "Release": {
        "Key": "string",
        "ProcessKey": "string",
        "ProcessVersion": "string",
        "IsLatestVersion": true,
        "IsProcessDeleted": true,
        "Description": "string",
        "Name": "string",
        "EnvironmentId": 0,
        "EnvironmentName": "string",
        "Environment": {
          "Name": "string",
          "Description": "string",
          "Robots": [
              "LicenseKey": "string",
              "MachineName": "string",
              "MachineId": 0,
              "Name": "string",
              "Username": "string",
              "Description": "string",
              "Version": "string",
              "Type": "NonProduction",
              "HostingType": "Standard",
              "Password": "string",
              "CredentialType": "Default",
              "Environments": [
              "RobotEnvironments": "string",
              "ExecutionSettings": {},
              "Id": 0
          "Type": "Dev",
          "Id": 0
        "InputArguments": "string",
        "CurrentVersion": {
          "ReleaseId": 0,
          "VersionNumber": "string",
          "CreationTime": "2019-11-14T14:48:12.680Z",
          "ReleaseName": "string",
          "Id": 0
        "ReleaseVersions": [
            "ReleaseId": 0,
            "VersionNumber": "string",
            "CreationTime": "2019-11-14T14:48:12.680Z",
            "ReleaseName": "string",
            "Id": 0
        "Arguments": {
          "Input": "string",
          "Output": "string"
        "ProcessSettings": {
          "ErrorRecordingEnabled": true,
          "Duration": 0,
          "Frequency": 0,
          "Quality": 0
        "Id": 0
      "Source": "string",
      "SourceType": "Manual",
      "BatchExecutionKey": "string",
      "Info": "string",
      "CreationTime": "2019-11-14T14:48:12.680Z",
      "StartingScheduleId": 0,
      "ReleaseName": "string",
      "Type": "Unattended",
      "InputArguments": "string",
      "OutputArguments": "string",
      "HostMachineName": "string",
      "HasMediaRecorded": true,
      "Id": 0