Unattended robot pausing execution intermittently


I have an unattended production robot that is running a number of flows through the day.
However, there occasionally there are times when the job execution freezes randomly at different steps.
There does not seem to be a commonality whenever it happens as it happens at different steps randomly.
In the screenshot below it is frozen only on a log message action.

Once the job processing is frozen there are no errors logged and the job is paused there indefinitely, holding up all other queued processes until it is manually killed.

Any advice is appreciated.

Best Regards,

Adding on to this, the error does is not limited to this process flow and happens randomly across other processes.

Hi, did the processes run on the same machine? I have a similar problem on one unattended process and hoping you might have figured something out?


Yes it was all on the same machine, so far I haven’t found a solution to this problem but it seems to happen very rarely and I’m unable to replicate it

Hiya, did either of you find a solution or cause to this issue? We’ve been getting this on and off for years now and is totally random across different robots, processes & workflows. We have to manually kill the process when it happens and there are no logs or job recordings to say what caused the freeze, we just have to restart and hope it goes away but it’s become very prevalent on one process and the solution has become urgent.