Unattended robot fails due ID and password issue

Hi All,

I want to run a process in unattended mode using the credentials i provided to a specific user under modern folder.


When trying to give domain\username, its continously failing with ID/password incorrect. I checked multiple times about credentials, but it simply fails

When trying to give local account as credentials like .\xxxx, the unattended session is success.

The robot installed is in service mode. I check that the ‘logon’ section of the robot service (from services.msc) is set to local. When I am trying to set to domain\username, its asking me to restart the services and fails when i try to restart services. Below screenshot:


Any idea how to make the unattended robot run with domain\username as credentials ?


Open CMD in that Robot machine and type whoami command and check what domain\username you are getting.

I did the same.


The same creds i am using in the unattended credentials:


Still failing with below
