Unable to use projects created in old UIPATH

I have project files that I have created in old version of UiPath (2018 or 2019). With newest UI path i opened these files. It said a conversion will happen and post conversion, it said conversion failed.

The error log is below.


The project ‘C:\Users\knmal\Documents\UiPath\CalcNotepad\project.json’ could not be opened: Project is incompatible with StudioX profile. You can open it in Studio and fix the errors.

Cannot open item: UiPath.Studio.Contracts.RecoverableException: The project ‘C:\Users\knmal\Documents\UiPath\CalcNotepad\project.json’ could not be opened: Project is incompatible with StudioX profile. You can open it in Studio and fix the errors.
at UiPath.Studio.Core.Services.PersistableServiceBase3.OnOpenAsyncInternal(String path, IFactory2 resolvedFactory, IOpenOptions options)
at UiPath.Studio.Core.CommonServices.ProjectServiceBase.OpenAsyncTaskExecute(String path, IFactory2 resolvedFactory, IOpenOptions options) at UiPath.Studio.Core.CommonServices.ProjectServiceBase.OpenAsyncTaskExecute(String path, IFactory2 resolvedFactory, IOpenOptions options)
at UiPath.Studio.Core.CommonServices.ProjectServiceBase.OnOpenAsync(String path, IFactory2 resolvedFactory, IOpenOptions options) at UiPath.Studio.Core.Services.PersistableServiceBase3.OpenAsync(OpenInformation openInfo)
at UiPath.Studio.Core.CommonServices.ProjectServiceBase.OpenAsync(OpenInformation openInfo)
at UiPath.Studio.Core.CommonServices.OpenCloseCommandsService.OpenProjectInternal(OpenInformation openInfo)
at UiPath.Studio.Core.CommonServices.OpenCloseCommandsService.OpenProjectAsync(OpenInformation openInfo)
at UiPath.Studio.Core.CommonServices.OpenCloseCommandsService.OpenFileExecuteAsync(String initialDirectory, IOpenOptions options)
at UiPath.Studio.Shell.ViewModels.MainWindowViewModel.<>c__DisplayClass282_0.<b__0>d.MoveNext()
— End of stack trace from previous location —
at UiPath.Studio.Shell.ViewModels.StartPageViewModel.ExecuteCommandAsync(Func`1 commandExecute)
at UiPath.Studio.Shell.ViewModels.MainWindowViewModel.OpenAsync(Object argument), HResult -2146233088

Hi @kn.devarajan

could you open project.json file from the project in a text editor and see what do you see in the ProjectProfile key?

It seems like you trying to open project built on Studio in StudioX Profile

I am able to edit the project.json file and here are the contents.
It could be studio (as its old). but there should be a way to convert right?

“name”: “CalcNotepad”,
“description”: “Simple Process Project”,
“main”: “Main.xaml”,
“dependencies”: {},
“excludedData”: [
“toolVersion”: “18.2”,
“projectVersion”: “1.0.6831.39680”,
“packOptions”: {},
“runtimeOptions”: {}


From studio to studiox you cannot convert…

You cannot open studio projects in studiox

Looks like you are currently using studiox and not studio…please try to open in studio

Also 2018 or 19 to now there are many dependency changes…it might fail few ockages though…but try with studio first ans not studiox


To clarify.
StudioX is a simpler version of Studio, even on modern projects you often cannot open a project made in Studio in StudioX because StudioX doesn’t have alot of the functionality Studio has.

May I ask why you are using the StudioX profile?


I had done automation of web scraping, capturing info from an application and dump to excel for my analysis (This I had done in the studio earlier).
Currently as I understand only studiox has a free license to be used and if I need to use studio its a paid subscription. So I tried the same automation to run in the studiox.

Is there a free version of the studio that I can install?


I do not think so, it sounds like you are using it for professional reasons, for that you need to pay. I believe running your robot is against the TOS even if it could work on StudioX.

oh ok i did not know that. Thanks for the information.


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