Unable to upload Assignment 1


I am trying to upload my assignment 1 for grading. Getting failed 0/100 message. But unable to download the file to check it, error in Chrome blocked, :slight_smile:


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Actually this is related to the ‘Download Scan Protection’ feature when Safe Browsing is enabled.
You can goto Downloads page Ctrl+j and recover the file

Question however, why do you want to download what you uploaded? You already have that project and zip with you correct?

You can try and see what you have missed in the grading criteria and correct it and i’m sure you will evaluate to Pass

I am resubmitted the file that I have already submitted and got the same issue before it was graded now 0/100? don’t understand. I just renamed main:

I ran the project fine no issues, I am not understanding then how it is graded. And I have followed the entire PPDD.

What about your test data on Acme site? Is it as expected?

Sorry but I was able to download the other file as mentioned in the below response

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I will reset it thanks

Sure. :slight_smile:

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