Unable to Update Dependency or Load Use Application/Browser Activity in UiPath Studio

I am facing an issue with dependencies in UiPath Studio. On one system, I used the Use Application/Browser activity in a workflow, and it worked perfectly. However, when I tried to use the same workflow on another system with the same version of UiPath Studio, I encountered the following error:

“This activity is missing or could not be loaded.”

After investigating, I noticed that the dependencies in both projects are of different versions. However, I am unable to update the dependencies to the latest version on the problematic system. The newer version of the dependency does not appear in the Manage Packages window.

Steps I have tried:

  1. Checked the UiPath Studio version on both systems to ensure they match.
  2. Attempted to update the dependencies via Manage Packages but couldn’t see the newer version listed.
  3. Verified internet connectivity to ensure that the feed for dependencies can be accessed.

Has anyone encountered a similar issue? How can I resolve this and ensure that the workflow runs on the other system? Any suggestions or workarounds would be greatly appreciated.


There may be wrong with accessing package feed. For example, proxy settings, install mode or package feed url etc. Can you try to check if there is difference b/w them

Or, one of simple but rough ways is the following.

Copy all the folders and files under %USERPROFILE%\.nuget\packages in a machine which can be run the project normally into same place in a machine which has problem.
Note: this way will also copy files not regarding the project.


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