i am having issues starting a job from robot in a modern folder. The robots have all the permissions. I have even gave them full permissions at the user level and folder level.
I have a three level structure folders. Tried many times it keep getting the following error Start Job: Operation returned an invalid status code 'BadRequest'
With these exceptions>
RemoteException wrapping Microsoft.Rest.HttpOperationException: Operation returned an invalid status code ‘BadRequest’
at UiPath.Core.Activities.TaskExtensions.ThrowIfNeeded(Task task,
Boolean suppresThrowException)
at UiPath.Core.Activities.Orchestrator.BaseOrchestratorClientActivity.ThrowIfNeeded(AsyncCodeActivityContext ctx,
Task task,
Boolean suppresThrowException)
at UiPath.Core.Activities.Orchestrator.BaseOrchestratorClientActivity.EndExecute(AsyncCodeActivityContext context,
IAsyncResult result)
at System.Activities.AsyncCodeActivity.System.Activities.IAsyncCodeActivity.FinishExecution(AsyncCodeActivityContext context,
IAsyncResult result)
at System.Activities.AsyncCodeActivity.CompleteAsyncCodeActivityData.CompleteAsyncCodeActivityWorkItem.Execute(ActivityExecutor executor,
BookmarkManager bookmarkManager)
This is my folder structure below. I am trying to start a job from the Compliance one. My folder path in my activity was "Users/External Users/Compliance". I have also tried following the instructions here Start Job on Moder Folder shows 'Conflict' Error - #17 by MARIODC but my issue still remains
Believe it or not that ‘BadRequest’ in my experience could be means different things such, no space between words, using capital first letter, not using copying the word/title as it is on Orchestrator.
Check the following :
–StartJob Activity–
•NumberOfRobots: 1
•ProcessName: use the process you are trying to call. In my case I call that job just before the current one ends.
•My FolderPath name is pretty much the same name by default in Orchestrator, I choose that to make it easier and leave it like that. Notice that it has no space in between
•I only have one Modern Folder created
•You need to have a ‘Unattended’ Robot using that Folder
•Just in case I added all kind of Roles to the ‘Username’ which is only one in my Orchestrator
HI @MARIODC so i looked at that and tried it. The only difference is my folder structure. I have nested folders . But i have moved it to the parent folders and tried from there but the issue remains.
I did a couple of test in my Studio, I removed the last character from ProcessName and FolderPath properties to see what would happened and in both cases doing it separately one at the time is when I got the message below:
I was having this issue with Start Job in a modern folder until I set “NumberOfRobots” to 1. Then it worked. I had left it blank previously and it worked fine in a Classic Folder.