Unable to select value form Select list


Please help for the below issue:

As part of Desktop application automation, there is a pop up (.html). I have used “Select Item” and the Selector is: html app=‘xx.exe’ url=‘file://C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Local\Temp\15\XXXX.html’ />
<webctrl id=‘pid0PCXT129483384B3A6C7338177E5401AvailableList’ tag=‘SELECT’ /

When executing individual piece of code by highlighting the popup, it is working.

But when executing the complete flow of Desktop application, this html pop up gets open during the process flow, but not highlighted/active and giving the “SelectorNotFoundException”. Even I have tried attach browser, but no luck.



Hi @krishbcd,

Looks like the selector id is not stable or not reliable. Please use the UIExplorer to change the id= to a different selector attribute like name= or aaname=