Unable to see start menu options / UI Path Community 2019 not working


I installed UI path Community edition and I do not see the options in Start menu. Even if I click on New process or project, nothing opens/happens. Please help

This is what I see there

Here are the details of the version:

Studio 2019.1.0 - 01/22/2019
Community Edition
EXE Installer

Expires in 12 weeks
License Provider: External
Device ID: DMSwCyB7RQqSiR9363Go

Update Channel: Stable

Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit
.NET Framework Version 4.7.2 or later

@monika_m - you can reinstall that community version and check it’s working or not.

Hi @monika_m,

Try this - the services are restarted and are running once again in services.msc -
Uipath studio & UiRobot services
if it doesnt work yet then in programs & features you get an option to repair /change
if the above two steps doesnt help then reinstall the community edition.

I hope this helps

I do not see UI path in services.msc… and in programs and features there is no option to repair. It just has uninstall. I did it and reinstalled it but it is still the same.